About Me
- Name: A slave of Allah
- Location: somewhere, Indonesia
A woman, daughter, wife, daughter in law, mom ,sister and also a friend, who wants to share stories, experiences, happiness, lessons, her random thoughts, dreams and photos about every things related to "our life"
Previous Posts
- http://www.qss.org/articles/salah/09.html
- Sister itu 'baru ber-Islam'Oct 9, '07 10:41 PM...
- Tarbiyah Imaniyah untuk anak anakOct 2, '07 6...
- بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ Agar Dic...
- Cerita Pagi Alhamdulillah, kemaren s...
- Anak-Anak....
- Ingat Mati
- Today we move to a different Hajj story; the stor...
- Jangan Menyerah Saudariku! 387Share Penulis: Um...
- Saudariku, Berjilbablah Sesuai Ajaran Nabimu! 1...
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