Anak Gadisku
Shahla keeps answering my ques or giving me her point of view based on Islam...jazakillahu khair, yaa habibti. daughter likes music and singing (she joins band at school) than learning Qur'an but Alhamdulillah she still want to come to halaqah once a week
here you already mention about 2 major fitnah in this modern world which is discourage in Islam. as per Prophet SAW prophesy music will be wide spread - a minor sign of last days. Music is a tool of shaitan to corrupt our soul very quickly but quietly. I can tell this very cofidently as I was singer...........Allah has refuge me from music alhamdulillah HE is very kind.
May Allah protect you from those fitnah my dear daughter...maybe not now but oneday... insyaAllah. I realize that you are much better than me, masyaAllah laa quwwata illah billah...everybody knows that you're too young to wear jilbab but "it's a part of training" your dad said. He had ordered you to perform 5x a day shalat fardu since you turned to 7, Subhanallah and you did fasting very well at age 8, masyaAllah..InsyaAllah....if Allah will...may Allah give you opportunity that oneday you do Hajj and may Allah make everything easy for you...ameen...Allah loves you my He loves me too and has refuged me from jahiliyah life in the past. Astaghfirullah..I cry for my sins, may Allah forgive me. My dear daughter, I'll always love you...
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