Our Life

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wedding Invitation

Aku mengenalnya (Carla Rogers) ketika pertama kali bergabung dalam halaqah yang dibimbing Sophia Samour, istri dokter Samour. Carla Fatimah (namanya sekarang), seorang perawat bagian emergency di klinik. Waktu itu ia baru setahun setengah hijrah pada agamanya yang fitrah, agama yang dibawanya ketika baru dilahirkan, Islam. Carla yang mungil tampak manis dengan hijab yang dikenakannya, masyaAllah...Belum genap setahun aku mengenalnya Carla memutuskan kembali ke Liverpool, UK. Alhamdulillah aku masih sempat janjian dan bertemu dengannya di hari terakhir sebelum ia meninggalkan Ras Tanura. Wajahnya tampak pucat, tangannya dingin, ia kurang tidur, kelelahan, kondisi fisik melemah/kurang sehat karena sibuk mengepak barang-barangnya sendiri.Kubisikkan kalimat doa, "Semoga Allah menguatkanmu dan imanmu di mana pun kamu berada, Carla." Ia mengangguk & mengatakan doaku sangat berati baginya. Begitu ia sampai di kampung halamannya dgn selamat, ia segera mengabarkannya pada teman-temannya dan juga aku. Dan sekarang undangan pernikahan pun masuk dalam inboxku. Aku turut berbahagia untuknya. Tapi aku tidak bisa menghadiri pernikahannya yang secara Islam. Hanya doa yang bisa kupanjatkan untuknya, semoga Allah meridhoi pernikahannya...amiin dan teruntuk calon suami Carla & Carla
"Allahumma barakalahu laka wa alaika jami'ah wa bainakumma fii khair."

The time for the Mosque states 1800hrs for Nikah (Marriage) but it will actually be around 1700hrs that people will gather there for Lecture etc.

I understand its an awkward day for most of you, with work the next morning and also that it is quite short notice but I would LOVE to see you there and really hope you can make it. 

The Saturday Mendhi Party (Henna) Is ladies only i'm afraid. Dress code ladies....anything you want. 

Dress code for Sunday is obviously modest dress, especially in the Mosque...arms and legs. Ladies, You don't have to wear a scarf. Bright clothes are more than welcome....Think Bollywood NOT Timmy Mallet. And please remember to take your shoes off at the entrance of the Mosque before entering :-) 

I know i've been telling you Birmingham is not that bad...and it's not where i'm living and working right now but I have to warn you....where the Mosque is, is quite a dump....prepare to be shocked. Prob think Gramby St crossed with a typical Delhi back street During the riots, ha ha. Actually not that bad but not far off.

Love you all xxxx

Assalamu'alaikum sister Carla,

Thank you so much for this wedding invitation.
I'm always thinking of you...
I'm so happy for you but sorry I can't be there with you.
Only my prayers which always be with you...
Wishing your happiness in your marriage life fee dunya wal akheerah and may Allah Ta'ala bless you and your husband with lovely children...ameen.

Lots of love,

Thank you sister,

Your prayers mean a lot to me.

Inshallah we will have children.

I will be sure to send you on some photos of the day.

You are always in my thoughts,

Salam Allahkum xxx


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