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Tadinya punya persediaan daging asap buat bikin "Fillet Ayam Bungkus Smoked Beef," tapi ngeliat si Arwen gak punya jatah snack apa-apa, akhirnya gue putusin buat bikin American Risoles aka Amris. Bikin kulitnya gampang, isinya juga simple gak mecem-macem, cuman campuran smoked beef, keju, telur rebus dikasih saus mayo dan susu kental manis.
Kalo ngeliat namanya, sebenernya gue agak geli dan wondering, "emang iya asalnya dari Amerika?" Saking penasaran, sampe browsing-browsing nanya sama mbah Google....gak ada sejarahnya babar blas kalo ada yang namanya American Risoles *ada yang bisa kasih penjelasan?*. Dan setau gue, asal muasal risoles itu dari Brazil. Mungkin kasusnya sama kayak Bika Ambon asli Medan *???!!!??* Dan waktu mbah Google ngeluarin jurus mautnya dengan njembrengin segudang sumber artikel, "lah kok hampir semua artikel dari Indonesia yak????"
Ahhh...sudahlah...apalah arti sebuah nama, yang penting rasanya YUMMYY!! Mungkin ini hasil karangan orang Indonesia yang nyiptain Risoles dengan isi yang bule banget, ada kejunya, ada smoked beef, pokoknya ingredients-nya wangi-wangi londo gitu deh! :)
Udah lama jatuh cinta sama resep ini, waktu main-main ke tempat Uci MamaKavin, tapi baru kesampean bikin sekarang.
American Risoles
Bahan kulit Risoles :
250 gr terigu protein tinggi
2 btr telur
1 sdm margarine, di cairkan (munjung)
garam (aku gak pake garem)
1/2 sendok teh baking powder
40 gr susu bubuk
650 CC air (susu bubuk dan air gue ganti susu cair/UHT)
Bahan Isi :
5 lembar daging asap, selembar di potong jadi 6
7 lembar keju slice, tiap lembar di potong jadi 4
100 gr mayonese
25 gr susu kental manis
5 butir telur rebus (gue bikin dicacah)
2 buah putih telur (gue pake sama kuningnya juga biar gurih)
200 gr tepung roti
Cara membuat kulit Risoles :
1. Ayak terigu, taruh dalam mangkuk bersama garam. Buat lubang ditengah, pecahkan telur di dalamnya, aduk satu arah.
2. Tambahkan susu sedikit demi sedikit, hingga adonan menjadi licin dan halus.
3. Tambahkan susu hingga habis, masukkan mentega leleh.
4. Tutup adonan dengan plastik, diamkan 30 menit (gue gak pake istirahatin adonan, langsung diolah).
5. Olesi wajan dadar diameter 12 cm dengan margarine, panaskan (gue pake wajan diameter 18 cm).
6. Tuangi 1/2 sendok adonan, ratakan sambil diputar, 2-3 menit, angkat.
Cara Membuat Isi :
Semua bahan isi dicampur jadi satu.
Cara Membuat American Risoles :
1. Bentangkan crepes, isi dengan bahan isian, sisihkan.
2. Lakukan hingga kulit habis.
3. Celupkan kulit isi tadi ke dalam telur kocok, gulingkan dalam tepung roti.
4. Masukkan kedalam lemari pendingin kira-kira 1 jam.
5. Goreng dengan minyak banyak hingga risoles terendam hingga kuning.
6. Sajikan dengan saus pedas, atau cabe rawit.
Sumber : NCC, mbak Luluk dan modifikasi gue sendiri.
* * *
I had this smoked beef stock to make a chicken fillet wrap with smoked beef. However, after I saw that Arwen didn't have snack, I decided to make American Risoles. It's easy to create the wrapper. The filling is simple, consists of smoked beef, cheese, hardboiled egg with mayonaisse and sweet condensed milk.
I was wondering on the name of this food. It's quite ridiculous. Was it really from America? I was so curious that I looked this name from Google... there's no history whatsoever about American Risoles *anyone can give me a hint on this?* As far as I know, risoles came from Brazil. It's similar with Ambonese Bika, which was originally from Medan *???!!* When Google finally shown the result of my search with hundreds of articles, *what? all the articles were sourced from Indonesia???*
Anyway...what a name is for? Most important thing is it tasted YUMMY!! Maybe it's a name created by Indonesian who made the risoles using all western ingredients filling, such as cheese, smoked beef etc which are not naturally Indonesian ingredients :)
I've fallen in love with this recipe long time ago, when I visited Uci MamaKavin, but I just had a chance to practice it now.
American Risoles
Ingredients for Crepes :
250 gr flour
2 eggs
1 tbs butter, melted
1/2 tsp baking powder
40 gr milk powder
650 cc water
Ingredients for filling :
5 slices smoked beef, chopped
7 slices cheese, chopped
100 gr mayonaise
25 gr sweet condensed milk
5 eggs, chopped
Ingredients for glaze :
2 eggs white
200 gr bread crumps
Direction to make the crepes :
1. Put the flour into bowl, add salt. Create a hole in the middle of the flour, add eggs into it and stirr in one direction.
2. Add milk a little by little, until the dough gets soft and smooth.
3. Add the rest of the milk, and melted butter.
4. Wrap the dough with plastic, set aside for 30 minutes. (I did not put it aside, instead processed it right away).
5. Spread margarine on the cook pan with diameter of 12 cm, heat the pan (I used the 18 cm diameter pan).
6. Pour the 1/2 table spoon dough into the pan, spread evenly, and cook for 2-3 min. Remove from the pan.
Direction to make the filling:
All ingredients are mixed.
Direction to make American Risoles:
1. Spread the crepes, fill with the filling, set aside.
2. Repeat until all crepes have been used.
3. Put the crepes into the batter eggs, and roll into breadcrumbs.
4. Set aside in the fridge for an hour.
5. Fry in the deep hot oil until the risoles turns yellow.
6. Serve with hot chili sauce or plain chili.
Source: NCC, Mbak Luluk and my own modification.
Kalo ngeliat namanya, sebenernya gue agak geli dan wondering, "emang iya asalnya dari Amerika?" Saking penasaran, sampe browsing-browsing nanya sama mbah Google....gak ada sejarahnya babar blas kalo ada yang namanya American Risoles *ada yang bisa kasih penjelasan?*. Dan setau gue, asal muasal risoles itu dari Brazil. Mungkin kasusnya sama kayak Bika Ambon asli Medan *???!!!??* Dan waktu mbah Google ngeluarin jurus mautnya dengan njembrengin segudang sumber artikel, "lah kok hampir semua artikel dari Indonesia yak????"
Ahhh...sudahlah...apalah arti sebuah nama, yang penting rasanya YUMMYY!! Mungkin ini hasil karangan orang Indonesia yang nyiptain Risoles dengan isi yang bule banget, ada kejunya, ada smoked beef, pokoknya ingredients-nya wangi-wangi londo gitu deh! :)
Udah lama jatuh cinta sama resep ini, waktu main-main ke tempat Uci MamaKavin, tapi baru kesampean bikin sekarang.
American Risoles
Bahan kulit Risoles :
250 gr terigu protein tinggi
2 btr telur
1 sdm margarine, di cairkan (munjung)
garam (aku gak pake garem)
1/2 sendok teh baking powder
40 gr susu bubuk
650 CC air (susu bubuk dan air gue ganti susu cair/UHT)
Bahan Isi :
5 lembar daging asap, selembar di potong jadi 6
7 lembar keju slice, tiap lembar di potong jadi 4
100 gr mayonese
25 gr susu kental manis
5 butir telur rebus (gue bikin dicacah)
2 buah putih telur (gue pake sama kuningnya juga biar gurih)
200 gr tepung roti
Cara membuat kulit Risoles :
1. Ayak terigu, taruh dalam mangkuk bersama garam. Buat lubang ditengah, pecahkan telur di dalamnya, aduk satu arah.
2. Tambahkan susu sedikit demi sedikit, hingga adonan menjadi licin dan halus.
3. Tambahkan susu hingga habis, masukkan mentega leleh.
4. Tutup adonan dengan plastik, diamkan 30 menit (gue gak pake istirahatin adonan, langsung diolah).
5. Olesi wajan dadar diameter 12 cm dengan margarine, panaskan (gue pake wajan diameter 18 cm).
6. Tuangi 1/2 sendok adonan, ratakan sambil diputar, 2-3 menit, angkat.
Cara Membuat Isi :
Semua bahan isi dicampur jadi satu.
Cara Membuat American Risoles :
1. Bentangkan crepes, isi dengan bahan isian, sisihkan.
2. Lakukan hingga kulit habis.
3. Celupkan kulit isi tadi ke dalam telur kocok, gulingkan dalam tepung roti.
4. Masukkan kedalam lemari pendingin kira-kira 1 jam.
5. Goreng dengan minyak banyak hingga risoles terendam hingga kuning.
6. Sajikan dengan saus pedas, atau cabe rawit.
Sumber : NCC, mbak Luluk dan modifikasi gue sendiri.
* * *
I had this smoked beef stock to make a chicken fillet wrap with smoked beef. However, after I saw that Arwen didn't have snack, I decided to make American Risoles. It's easy to create the wrapper. The filling is simple, consists of smoked beef, cheese, hardboiled egg with mayonaisse and sweet condensed milk.
I was wondering on the name of this food. It's quite ridiculous. Was it really from America? I was so curious that I looked this name from Google... there's no history whatsoever about American Risoles *anyone can give me a hint on this?* As far as I know, risoles came from Brazil. It's similar with Ambonese Bika, which was originally from Medan *???!!* When Google finally shown the result of my search with hundreds of articles, *what? all the articles were sourced from Indonesia???*
Anyway...what a name is for? Most important thing is it tasted YUMMY!! Maybe it's a name created by Indonesian who made the risoles using all western ingredients filling, such as cheese, smoked beef etc which are not naturally Indonesian ingredients :)
I've fallen in love with this recipe long time ago, when I visited Uci MamaKavin, but I just had a chance to practice it now.
American Risoles
Ingredients for Crepes :
250 gr flour
2 eggs
1 tbs butter, melted
1/2 tsp baking powder
40 gr milk powder
650 cc water
Ingredients for filling :
5 slices smoked beef, chopped
7 slices cheese, chopped
100 gr mayonaise
25 gr sweet condensed milk
5 eggs, chopped
Ingredients for glaze :
2 eggs white
200 gr bread crumps
Direction to make the crepes :
1. Put the flour into bowl, add salt. Create a hole in the middle of the flour, add eggs into it and stirr in one direction.
2. Add milk a little by little, until the dough gets soft and smooth.
3. Add the rest of the milk, and melted butter.
4. Wrap the dough with plastic, set aside for 30 minutes. (I did not put it aside, instead processed it right away).
5. Spread margarine on the cook pan with diameter of 12 cm, heat the pan (I used the 18 cm diameter pan).
6. Pour the 1/2 table spoon dough into the pan, spread evenly, and cook for 2-3 min. Remove from the pan.
Direction to make the filling:
All ingredients are mixed.
Direction to make American Risoles:
1. Spread the crepes, fill with the filling, set aside.
2. Repeat until all crepes have been used.
3. Put the crepes into the batter eggs, and roll into breadcrumbs.
4. Set aside in the fridge for an hour.
5. Fry in the deep hot oil until the risoles turns yellow.
6. Serve with hot chili sauce or plain chili.
Source: NCC, Mbak Luluk and my own modification.
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