Susan adalah teman waktu di SMP. Kita pernah sekelas...waktu kelas 1 kayaknya Noni duduk sebangku sama Susan ini. Mungkin dia udah gak ingat aku lagi tapi aku ingat banget sama dia...Susan pintar sekali, anaknya juga supel, banyak teman dan sikapnya manja...pertengahan SMP dia pindah ke Bandung. Aku menemukan profilnya di frendster dulu...SMP, SMA dan kuliahnya di Bandung (ITB). Baru kutahu juga dari blognya dia sempat tinggal di Jepang dan bersuamikan orang Switzerland memiliki 3 anak dan hidup bahagia di Eropa. Dari frendster pindah ke fesbuk...belakangan baru kutahu Susan mengidap penyakit kanker rahim (kalau tidak salah) dan dia harus menjalani rangkaian kemoterapi...Susan mempunyai kepribadian ceria, aktif dan pintar dalam segala hal. Dia pintar mengurus rumah tangga, keluarga (suami dan anak-anak), pintar menulis, moto, masak, merajut, buat kartu...subhanallah...dia selalu berbagi cerita kebahagian dalam blog nya...bahkan disela-sela kesakitan dan kepedihannya...Susan, dari jauh aku berdoa untukmu...Semoga Allah memberikan kesembuhan untukmu. Kesembuhan yang tidak meninggalkan sakit. Susan sehat lagi dan bahagia bersama suami, anak-anak dan orang-orang yang Susan cintai dan mencintaimu...amiin.
Aku copas tulisan dalam blogmu ya San...
Aku copas tulisan dalam blogmu ya San...
Hi there,
It’s almost my last day in the hospital. Unfortunatelly, i cannot share any of my card during my chemotherapy. I never bring my laptop with me to the hospital because it’s too heavy and to big to work with. Now using my iPad I can share a tiny it of my day here. Honestly, I don’t want to share my pain and unhappiness with you. So, I will try to be more possitive here ![:)](
My day always starts with the daily check up. The nurse will come to check my blood pressure, temperature, puls, take my blood and measure my weight. And then comes the breakfast. Since I always have nausea during my chemo, meal time is not at all my favorite. But breakfast is usually still the best time to have a bite. This time I ordered croissant and coffee. It helps to find which breakfast suit me everytime I come here. During my last chemo I always ordered corn flakes. In the beginning I could finish it, but the days after it was getting harder.
I have plenty of time to kill during my stay in the hospital. Previously I like to watch tutorials or trailers on YouTube or play Agry Birds. Sometimes I also try to read books I brought from Indonesia. This time, I don’t feel well when sitting or laying on my bed. So, I need to change my position all the time. Even watching on YouTube doesn’t give me a comforting time. Ufff…. Sorry, I promised before that I would be more possitive.
This is the view from my window. Zurich University Hospital has a big nice garden. When the weather is good, you get to see the lake of Zurich and the alps. I feel lucky to live in Switzerland. You are very close to nature, even if you live in a big city like Zurich. As you see, leaves are changing color. It’s autumn and nearing winter. I always say that autumn is my favorite time of the year. The color of the nature is so wonderful. Red, orange, yellow, golden-ish. Not boring at all. Some people say they don’t like autumn, because they think the nature are dying. The trees are not dying. They are just preparing for the hardest time of the year, winter. By losing their leaves, they will survive. Somehow it reminds me of myself. I lost my hair due to chemotherapy and hoping that I will survive, just like the tree…………
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